News Bonnie has three new books for sale on www.Amazon.com
Poet Bonnie Manion
A Midwestern Poet listed in Marquis' Who's Who In America and in Marquis" Who's Who Among American Women, Bonnie Manion speaks to each Reader's heart with her poetry. An accomplished poet, Bonnie has over 575 works published in more than fifty fivejournals: St. Anthony’s Messenger, Small Brushes, Midwest Poetry Review, Time of Singing, Twilight Ending, Penned From The Heart Devotional, Storyteller Magazine, The Poet’s Pen, Pegasus Review, Teak Roundup, Lutheran Digest, Creative With Words, Prayer Work’s, Offerings, Writers’ Journal, Ostentatious Mind, Opened Eyes, NCR, Nomad’s Choir, Flyway, Free Focus, Northern Stars Magazine, Limestone Poetry Journal, Karamu (2008), Poets of The Vineyard 2002 Anthology, Anthology of The Society of American Poets in 2002, America Magazine, Bellowing Ark and Illinois State Poetry Society Online .
Bonnie Rivard grew up in South Bend, Indiana, married Paul Manion in 1961, and received her B.S.E.Ed. Degree from De Paul University of Chicago, Illinois in 1965.
Professional Organizations
Bonnie is a member of the Illinois State Poetry (ISPS) Society, National Federation of Poetry Societies, the Poetry Society of America, The Academy of American Poets, and the Poetry Foundation. She also has been associated with St. David’s Christian Writers Assn (SDCWA), Catholic Writers Assn, and The Society of American Poets
She raised six children before beginning to write poetry in the late 1990’s. Bonnie was always an active community and church volunteer, receiving the Peoria, Illinois Catholic Diocese’ highest lay award, the Pere Marquette Medal, in 2001. She has often been listed in Marquis Who‘s Who In America and Marquis’ Who’s Who Among American Women. "Since 2002, Bonnie has published over 575 poems in 55 venues including both print and online journals, and produced five chapbooks of her poetry for sale. She also composes music for piano. She has done some seascape oil painting as well.