Pagosa Springs Artists

Doing Time


   Mostly, there is lots of it now.
   Time for every detail of The Program.
   Time to arrange and rearrange
    my footlocker, my bedding, my head.
   Time to rethink the mistakes of my past,
    to realize the worth of my parents, my wife.
    Time to meditate upon my weaknesses, my fears,
      my character.  Plenty of time for regrets.
    Time to plan and time for waiting.

    Waiting for lunch, for mail call, for a visitor.
    Waiting for exercise hour, for Bible study,
    for group therapy.  For my number to be called.
    Waiting for tonight to pass.  For tomorrow.
    For next weekend, next month, next year.
    For the end of my sentence.
    Waiting is what I do now




first published in BEHIND PRISON WALLS Chapbook

©2011 Bonnie Manion


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