Pagosa Springs Artists

Spending on Sega



  Dad, could you please give us a loan of five thousand
  dollars so we can get into a place of our own and get
  out of Sissy’s hair ?


  Sorry, Mike.  You never repaid the last loan we made.


Look, Dad.  We expect a $3100. tax refund any day now.

We'll pay you  back right away.  The church is already paying for

our car repairs and some new tires.


Mike, I think you better just wait for your tax refund; that $3100.

should get you into the trailer alright.


Dad, we can't let this $375. per month deal get away!  Every other

house rental I've seen has been for more money.


Mike, if this trailer gets rented to someone else, well, another deal

will come along.  Why didn't you save something when you two were

making $50,000. a year?  Spending on Sega instead of saving for

a rainy day doesn't pay the bills, does it, son?


first published in BEHIND PRISON WALLS Chapbook

also published in GLORY IN THE ORDINARY Chapbook

©2011 Bonnie Manion


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