A creeping cover of indigo rolls silently toward the band
of eroding silverblue arched tentatively above a sunset
gleaming fire- orange on the rim of the western horizon.
The hush of nightfall stills an early evening breeze,
leaving each dark leaf of every black tree quiet,
silhouetted against the deepening pewter sky.
A few tardy birds are also silhouetted in brief,
synchronized flight, as inumerable unseen crickets
loudly begin their september song in the wet grass.
Making my way home on the hard macadam underfoot,
I inhale deeply the earthy smell of mature corn walling
both sides of my now indistinguishable route.
The dark dome begins to sparkle, pierced by a brilliant spray
of lights emerging successively from behind the ebony curtain,
glimpses of an unreachable realm of intense glory just beyond view.
first published in AllPoetry.com
©2014 Bonnie Manion