The following poems of Bonnie J. Manion have been published by this publisher:
A Candlewick -- | A Near Drowning -- |
A Place I Go -- | A Sum of The Parts -- |
Afternoon Chapel Glow -- | Autumn Immolation -- |
Come -- | Coming of Age -- |
During Chemo (version I) -- | Everyman -- |
Forgiveness -- | Going to the Mountain -- |
Hope -- | In This Moment -- |
Interior Journey -- | Love For Love -- |
Magnolia Mine -- | My Savior's Smile -- |
My God -- | New Days -- |
On the Importance of Wonder -- | Rain in the Desert -- |
Resolutions -- | Sacramental Wine -- |
September Song -- | Some of Life's Mysteries -- |
Soulstain -- | The Host of Heaven -- |
Twilight Zone -- | Two Weeks In (version II) -- |
Whence This World -- | Wrapped Up In Me -- |